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How to calculate price and lead time for Groupage and Partload using the calculator in Mybring

How to calculate price and lead time for Groupage and Partload using the calculator in Mybring

The calculator in Mybring lets you easily check the price or lead time of a Groupage or Partload shipment. It is also possible to compare past prices against invoices - up to one year back in time.

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Calculate the price and lead time for a Groupage or Partload shipment 

  1. Click "Select area" and select "Groupage and partload calculator".  
  2. Enter the from postal code and the to postal code. 
  3. Select the cargo service you want to calculate for. Choose invoice recipient and whether this is the sender, recipient or a third party.
  4. Enter the type, quantity, weight and volume or dimensions per identical type of package in the shipment.
  5. Add any additional services under "Additional services". 
  6. Specify when the goods is ready for pickup. 

Price and lead time info show as soon as you have entered enough input for this to be calculated. Note that only prices, and not lead times, are shown when requesting a date in the past.